List of all swoop positions can be found HERE

The swoop group I started gathered at St. James's Square where BP headquarters is situated at. First text where to go next arrived just after 1pm. Trafalgar sq. Merely 10mins walk. 5 cigarettes and long 45mins later another text.

Urgh! We all have been hoping Camp would be set up somewhere central but no, Blackheath!!

I must say the location of the camp was carefuly chosen. With a lovely view over the London's financial districk, Canary Wharf. On a public land where, funnily
enough, them hippies set up their 'code of climate camp conduct', and where hoping every single journalist would follow it.
Look HERE at what my fellow photographer Jono wrote about the camp's policies.

I stayed at the camp till the late hours waiting for one shot only to return the next day finding the camp's policy ridiculous. And so the fact I had to have a minder with me looking over my shoulder checking up on me what Im taking pictures of .

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